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Ikirenga Auto App

Ikirenga is an e-commerce platform developed by Ace Devs that simplifies ordering spare parts and custom mechanical services. Customers can easily browse, compare prices, and place orders, while providers can offer quotes and work directly with customers to complete the job. With its user-friendly interface, secure payments, and personalized support, Ikirenga is revolutionizing the spare parts and mechanical services industry.

Project Brief

Ikirenga is an e-commerce platform developed by Ace Devs for a leading mechanical services provider. The platform offers a comprehensive database of spare parts, easy search, ordering and tracking features, and a network of skilled mechanical providers for custom services. Ikirenga has helped the client streamline their operations, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.


Ikirenga Auto


App Development


2022- 2023


The Problem

Our client, a leading provider of mechanical services, faced several challenges in serving their customers. One of the biggest challenges was the difficulty in finding and ordering the right spare parts for their clients' vehicles and machinery. This led to delays in completing jobs, increased costs, and decreased customer satisfaction. The client also struggled to efficiently manage and process custom service requests from their customers, which further added to their workload and inefficiencies.

The Approach

To address these challenges, Codity Devs worked closely with the client to develop a custom e-commerce platform that would streamline their spare parts and custom mechanical service offerings. Our team of experienced developers conducted extensive research and analysis to understand the client's business requirements and identify pain points in their existing processes.

The solution

Codity Devs developed Ikirenga, an e-commerce platform that streamlines the spare parts and custom mechanical service offerings for our client. Ikirenga provides a comprehensive database of spare parts, easy search, ordering and tracking features, as well as a network of skilled mechanical providers for custom services. This platform has helped the client reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and optimize their business processes.


The development of Ikirenga, an e-commerce platform by Codity Devs, has led to significant improvements for our client, a leading mechanical services provider. With Ikirenga, the client has been able to streamline their spare parts and custom mechanical service offerings, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings. The platform has also enabled the client to better manage and process custom service requests from their customers, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. Overall, the result of this collaboration has been a more optimized and efficient business process for the client.

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